About drylands

Drylands are zones where precipitation is balanced by evaporation from surfaces and evapotranspiration from plants

Trees and forests are essential to the lives of people and animals in drylands. They can supply many of the basic needs of human communities, such as food, medicine, wood, energy, and fodder for livestock. In drylands more than in most other biomes, however, the demands of human communities have been much higher than the capacity of ecosystems to deliver sustainably, resulting, in many places, in the rapid depletion of these resources, leading to land degradation and desertification. Trees and forests in drylands facilitate the infiltration of water into the soil, redistribute water upwards – thereby improving nutrient cycling and the water balance – and help maintaining air humidity, reduce soil erosion by wind and water and moderate local climates by acting as windbreaks and providing shade for soils, animals and people.  They constitute a buffer against drought and desertification.

Dry sub-humid lands

Semi-arid regions with limited rainfall, supporting sparse vegetation adapted to drought conditions.

Semi-arid lands

Areas with minimal rainfall, facing water scarcity challenges but with slightly more moisture than arid regions.

Arid lands

Extremely dry areas with low precipitation, sparse vegetation, and severe water scarcity.

Hyper-arid lands

Among the driest regions on Earth, with extremely minimal rainfall, barren landscapes, and scarce water resources.

Our approach is to work with the local community to identify areas for reforestation, the correct tree species and the purpose and usage of the forest once established to understand how will this benefit the local population and environment.